Invited Talks 2018
- Alphan Sennaroglu
- Koç Univ., Turkey
- "Graphene-Gold Supercapacitor as a Voltage Controlled Saturable Absorber for Femtosecond Pulse Generation (tentative)"
- Carlo Rizzuto
- ELI Delivery Consortium, Belgium
- "The ELI-ERIC: Status, Agreements and Basic Rules"
- Carlota Canalias
- KTH, Sweden
- "Linear and Nonlinear Absorption in KTP Family (tentative)"
- Catherine Yuriko Teisset
- TRUMPF Scientific Lasers GmbH + Co. KG, Germany
- "High Average Power and High Energy Ultrafast Thin-Disk Amplifiers"
- Jorge J. Rocca
- Colorado State Univ., USA
- "High Repetition Rate (3.3Hz), Ultra-High Intensity (0.85PW) Laser and Application to Bright X-ray Generation"
- Junghun Shin
- GIST, Korea
- "Development and Commissioning of a 20 fs, 4 PW Laser"
- Karoly Osvay
- ELI-ALPS, Hungary
- "Laser Based Research Technologies at ELI-ALPS"
- Katsumi Midorikawa
- RAP, Japan
- "High Harmonic Generation and Attosecond Science at RIKEN"
- Kazuo A. Tanaka
- ELI-NP, Romania
- "Status of ELI-NP Starting"
- Lei Wang
- Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China
- "Liquid Crystal Based Devices for THz Applications"
- Loh Zhi Heng
- Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore
- "Femtosecond XUV Absorption Spectroscopy Elucidates the Origins of Multimode Vibrational Coherences Induced by Intense Laser Fields"
- Michael I. Bakunov
- University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
- "Strong DC Precursors of Intense Laser Pulses in Electro-Optic Crystals"
- Paul O. Leisher
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
- "TBA"
- Quan Liu
- Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore
- Depth Sensitive Optical Spectroscopy (tentative)
- Ryosuke Kodama
- Osaka Univ., Japan
- "High Power Laser Development and its application for High Energy Density Science"
- Scott Diddams
- "TBA"
- Sergei Bulanov
- ELI-Beamlines, Czech Republic
- "Paving the Way Towards Novel Applied and Fundamental Physics with ELI-Beamlines"
- Seung-Woo Kim
- KAIST, Korea
- "Ultrafast Photonics for Precision Optical Measurement and Instrumentation (tentative)"
- Shota Kajikawa
- Fujikura, Japan
- "TBA"
- Ta-Jen Yen
- National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan
- "Realizing Harry Potter’s Invisible Cloak (tentative)"
- Tetsuya Kawachi
- QST, Japan
- "Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration and Ultra-Short X-Ray Generation Using PW-Class High Power Lasers"
- Yoshiaki Kato
- GPI, Japan
- "Photon Frontier Network: Opening Frontiers by Complete Control of Light and Matter"
- Yuxin Leng
- SIOM, China
- "Current Status of 10 PW Laser and 100 PW Laser Project"
- Chen-Bin Huang
- National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan
- "Expanding applicable optical sources in plasmonics and through a dispersionincreasing fiber"
- Christian Kränkel
- Institut für Laser-Physik, Universität Hamburg, Germany
- "Semiconductor laser pumped visible rare-earth doped lasers(tentative)"
- Constantin Haefner
- NIF Photon Science Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
- "High Average Power Petawatt Laser Systems enabling the transition from proof-of-principle experiments to commercial applications(tentative)"
- Fabian Rotermund
- KAIST, Korea
- "Broadband ultrafast nonlinear photonics in nanocarbons"
- Hiromitsu Kiriyama
- KPSI QST, Japan
- "J-KAREN-P laser facility producing 1022 W/cm2 at 0.1 Hz"
- Ingmar Hartl
- DESY, Germany
- "Frequency comb sources for spectroscopy in the mid-infrared"
- Jinghua Teng
- Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore
- "Tunable and reconfigurable terahertz devices(tentative)"
- Jiping Zou
- LULI, France
- "Recent Advances of the Apollon 10 PW Laser"
- Jérome Genest
- Université Laval, Canada
- "Self-Corrected Dual-Comb Spectroscopy"
- Kazuaki Sakoda
- NIMS, Japan
- "Photonic Dirac cones and relevant physics"
- Kensuke Shima
- Fujikura Ltd., Japan
- "3 kW single mode fiber laser for materials processing"
- Martin Smrz
- HiLASE Centre Institute of Physics ASCR, Czech Republic
- "kW-class picosecond thin-disk pre-pulse laser Perla for efficient EUV generation"
- Daniel Albach
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf, Germany
- "PENELOPE – amplifier benchmarks and 10 J performance"
- Norihiko Nishizawa
- Nagoya Univ., Japan
- "Ultrahigh Resolution OCT with Broadband Fiber Lasers"
- Paul B. Corkum
- Joint Attosecond Science Lab, University of Ottawa and NRC, Canada
- "Linking high harmonics from solids and gases"
- Takuo Tanaka
- RIKEN, Japan
- "Metamaterial absorbers and their applications"
- Tatsuya Yanagida
- Gigaphoton Inc., Japan
- "Development of 250 W LPP EUV Light Source for HVM Lithography (tentative)"
- Tomomi Nemoto
- Hokkaido Univ., Japan
- "In vivo two-photon imaging of brain and neurons using a high-peakpower gain-switched laser diode and adaptive optics"
- Valentin Petrov
- Max Born Institute, Germany
- "New Ba-Based Crystals for Nonlinear Frequency Conversion in the Mid-IR"
- Xinke Wang
- Capital Normal Univ., China
- "Development and Application of Terahertz Focal-Plane Imaging Technique"
- Yasushi Fujimoto
- Osaka Univ., Japan
- "Visible laser oscillation in Pr-doped waterproof fluoro-aluminate glass fiber(tentative)"
- Antonio Lucianetti
- HiLASE Centre, Institute of Physics CAS, Czech Republic
- "HiLASE100: a cryo-cooled 100 J, 10 Hz DPSSL System"
- Bruno E. Schmidt
- few-cycle Inc. Canada
- "Concepts for scaling peak power and average power via Frequency domain OPA (FOPA)"
- Chi-Kuang Sun
- National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- "Noninvasive THz sensing of critical components in human blood"
- Christian Spielmann
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
- "Laser-Plasma-Based Secondary Sources: Accelerating Particles and Light"
- Constantin Haefner
- NIF Photon Science Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
- "Next generation Petawatt Laser Systems"
- Florent Guichard
- Amplitude Systèmes, France
- "Scaling ultrafast fiber source performances: coherent combining of femtosecond pulses"
- Hideaki Takashima
- Kyoto University, Japan
- "Photonic quantum devices using single light emitters"
- Jeffrey W. Nicholson
- OFS Laboratories, USA
- "Higher-Order Mode Fiber Lasers"
- Jeong Weon Wu
- Ewha Womans University, Korea
- "Spin-orbit interation in optical metamaterials"
- Joachim Hein
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
- "Diode-pumped amplification of broad band pulses to more than 50 J"
- Joo-Hiuk Son
- Department of Physics, University of Seoul, Korea
- "Recent Advances in Terahertz Cancer Imaging"
- Masato Ohmi
- Osaka University, Japan
- "Progress of high-speed optical coherence tomography"
- Ming Yan
- Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany
- "Laser frequency combs for new approaches to molecular spectroscopy"
- Seong Ku Lee
- GIST, Korea
- "Current status of PW laser at CoReLS and applications"
- Shin-ichiro Inoue
- Advanced ICT Research Institute, NICT, Japan
- "High-Light-Extraction Nanophotonic Structure for High-power DUV-LEDs"
- Stephane Sebban
- Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée , France
- "Toward compact and ultra-intense laser based soft x-ray lasers "
- Takashi Katagiri
- Tohoku University, Japan
- "Hollow optical fiber probe for Raman spectroscopy"
- Takashige Omatsu
- Chiba University, Japan
- "Optical parametric vortex lasers and their applications towards chiral materials science"
- Takehito Suzuki
- Ibaraki University, Japan
- "Terahertz Component Platforms Inspired by Metamaterials"
- Zhigang Zhang
- Peking University, China
- "GHz fiber laser technology and 30 GHz astro-comb"
- Katia Gallo
- Royal Inst of Technology, Sweden
- "Parametric Processes in Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Crystals"
- A. M. Sergeev
- Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, Russia
- "Prospects for Advanced X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Sources with Exawatt Laser Facility XCELS"
- Chang Hee Nam
- Center for Relativistic Laser Science, IBS&GIST, Korea
- "Advancement of Laser-Driven Compact Particle Accelerators"
- Andrius Baltuska
- Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- "Development of high-power mid-IR optical parametric amplifiers and their applications in high harmonic generation"
- Ruxing Li
- Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China
- "Progress Towards a 10 PW Ultraintense Laser Facility: Demonstration of 5 PW High Gain Large Aperture Ti:Sapphire Amplifier"
- Stuart Jackson
- Macquarie University, Australia
- "Challenges and Opportunities for Mid-infrared Fibre Sources"
- Jorge J. Rocca
- Colorado State University, USA
- "High Average Power Table-Top Soft X-Ray Lasers"
- Hideki Hirayama and Wataru Terashima
- RIKEN, Japan
- "First Achievement of Nitirde Semiconductor Based Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser"
- Gabriel Ycas
- Univresity of Colorado, USA
- "Towards a 30 GHz Astrocomb for The Near-Infrared"
- Masanobu Iwanaga
- NIMS, Japan
- "Recent Progress in Resonance Enhancement of Light Emissions on Metasurfaces"
- Yasuyuki Ozeki
- University of Tokyo, Japan
- "Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy for Label-Free Imaging and Spectroscopy"
- Martin E. Fermann
- "High power mid IR fiber frequency combs"
- Mamoru Hashimoto
- Osaka Univ., Japan
- "Nonlinear coherent Raman imaging using fast and wide spectral tuning mode-locked laser "
- Jurgen Michel
- "Monolithic Ge lasers for Si CMOS"
- Takenori Morita
- Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan
- "High-power and high-efficiency 9xx-nm laser diodes for pumping applications"
- Oliver D. Mucke
- DESY CFEL, Germany
- "High-energy optical parametric waveform synthesizers"
- Thomas Schibli
- University of Colorado Boulder, USA
- "Graphene devices for ultra-low noise optical frequency combs"
- Mark I. Stockman
- Georgia State University, USA
- "Spaser (plasmonic laser and amplification)"
- Tetsuya Yagi
- Mitsubishi Electric, Japan
- "High power red semiconductor laser for display application"
- Nan Ei Yu
- GIST, Korea
- "THz wave generation using quasi-phase matched devices"
- Ji-Ping Zou
- LULI, France
- "Apollon 10 PW project : An upcoming ultra-intense facility"
- M. Hemmer
- ICFO, Spain
- "3.1um wavelength, 19uJ energy, 160kHz repetition rate OPCPA for strong-field physics"
- H. Hirayama
- RIKEN, Japan
- "Development of Deep-UV LEDs and THz-QCLs and those applications"
- A. Shirakawa
- Univ. of Electro-Communications, Japan
- "Photonic bandgap and multicore fiber lasers for appication for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography"
- D. Molter
- Univ. Kaiserslautern, Germany
- "Photonic terahertz sources and their applications in fundamental and applied research"
- Chi-Kuang Sun
- National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
- "Optical harmonic generation biopsy of human skin based on a femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser"
- T. Klein
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Munchen, Germany
- "Fourier domain mode-locked lasers and their application to OCT"
- K. Isobe
- "Spatial overlap modulation nonlinear optical microscopy for background-free deep imaging"
- C. J. Saraceno
- ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- "High average power ultrafast thin disk lasers"
- J. H. Sung
- Inst. Basic Science, Republic of Korea
- "Temporal pulse cleaning for high-contrast PW laser pulse"
- W. Leemans
- "Laser plasma accelerators for future colliders and light sources"
Invited Talks 2017
Invited Talks 2016
Invited Talks 2015
Invited Talks in 2014