Invited Talks

Katia Gallo
Royal Inst of Technology, Sweden
"Parametric Processes in Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Crystals"
A. M. Sergeev
Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, Russia
"Prospects for Advanced X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Sources with Exawatt Laser Facility XCELS"
Chang Hee Nam
Center for Relativistic Laser Science, IBS&GIST, Korea
"Advancement of Laser-Driven Compact Particle Accelerators"
Andrius Baltuska
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
"Development of high-power mid-IR optical parametric amplifiers and their applications in high harmonic generation"
Ruxing Li
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China
"Progress Towards a 10 PW Ultraintense Laser Facility: Demonstration of 5 PW High Gain Large Aperture Ti:Sapphire Amplifier"
Stuart Jackson
Macquarie University, Australia
"Challenges and Opportunities for Mid-infrared Fibre Sources"
Jorge J. Rocca
Colorado State University, USA
"High Average Power Table-Top Soft X-Ray Lasers"
Hideki Hirayama and Wataru Terashima
RIKEN, Japan
"First Achievement of Nitirde Semiconductor Based Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser"
Gabriel Ycas
Univresity of Colorado, USA
"Towards a 30 GHz Astrocomb for The Near-Infrared"
Masanobu Iwanaga
NIMS, Japan
"Recent Progress in Resonance Enhancement of Light Emissions on Metasurfaces"
Yasuyuki Ozeki
University of Tokyo, Japan
"Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy for Label-Free Imaging and Spectroscopy"


Invited Talks in 2014

Martin E. Fermann
"High power mid IR fiber frequency combs"
Mamoru Hashimoto
Osaka Univ., Japan
"Nonlinear coherent Raman imaging using fast and wide spectral tuning mode-locked laser "
Jurgen Michel
"Monolithic Ge lasers for Si CMOS"
Takenori Morita
Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan
"High-power and high-efficiency 9xx-nm laser diodes for pumping applications"
Oliver D. Mucke
DESY CFEL, Germany
"High-energy optical parametric waveform synthesizers"
Thomas Schibli
University of Colorado Boulder, USA
"Graphene devices for ultra-low noise optical frequency combs"
Mark I. Stockman
Georgia State University, USA
"Spaser (plasmonic laser and amplification)"
Tetsuya Yagi
Mitsubishi Electric, Japan
"High power red semiconductor laser for display application"
Nan Ei Yu
GIST, Korea
"THz wave generation using quasi-phase matched devices"
Ji-Ping Zou
LULI, France
"Apollon 10 PW project : An upcoming ultra-intense facility"


Invited Talks in 2013

M. Hemmer
ICFO, Spain
"3.1um wavelength, 19uJ energy, 160kHz repetition rate OPCPA for strong-field physics"
H. Hirayama
RIKEN, Japan
"Development of Deep-UV LEDs and THz-QCLs and those applications"
A. Shirakawa
Univ. of Electro-Communications, Japan
"Photonic bandgap and multicore fiber lasers for appication for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography"
D. Molter
Univ. Kaiserslautern, Germany
"Photonic terahertz sources and their applications in fundamental and applied research"
Chi-Kuang Sun
National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
"Optical harmonic generation biopsy of human skin based on a femtosecond Cr:forsterite laser"
T. Klein
Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Munchen, Germany
"Fourier domain mode-locked lasers and their application to OCT"
K. Isobe
"Spatial overlap modulation nonlinear optical microscopy for background-free deep imaging"
C. J. Saraceno
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
"High average power ultrafast thin disk lasers"
J. H. Sung
Inst. Basic Science, Republic of Korea
"Temporal pulse cleaning for high-contrast PW laser pulse"
W. Leemans
"Laser plasma accelerators for future colliders and light sources"